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Different SEO methods & what should be in your SEO strategy

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Different SEO methods & what should be in your SEO strategy

Understanding Different SEO Approaches

Since Google and other search engines don’t work the same way, marketers are continuously experimenting with their SEO strategies to get the best results. That being said, now let’s check out the different SEO approaches that are used by SEO experts and marketers.

Integrated SEO

An integrated SEO strategy makes use of all the elements of the digital marketing ecosystem. This includes social outreach, email, and on-page optimization. This helps marketers to attract a large number of visitors to a website.

To make your SEO successful, you need a full-proof plan which should be executed in the right way. If you make it possible, only then your website will rank on the top. However, this is easier said than done.

Optimizing a site and waiting for customers to visit is easier. But when it comes to developing an ongoing communication and marketing plan to strengthen your website, you know what real difficulties look like. However, this is the only way to build page and website authority that will help you compete for other search engine visitors.

Holistic SEO

Holistic SEO is defined as the process of improving all the crucial aspects of a website so that it ranks higher in the search results. The main goal of holistic SEO is to meet the needs of users on all levels. This is done by providing the right information and an easy to use the website.

In holistic SEO the focus is put on the users, instead of keywords or search engines. To be more precise, it focuses on how people engage with a particular product, service, and brand. These are considered to be the main factors based on which these businesses will be ranked on the search engines.

White Hat SEO

By White Hat SEO, we mean a compliant and safe tactic to improve the ranking of a website. All the tactics that are used under White Hat SEO are legitimate and are also supported by Google.

White Hat SEO includes:

  • Publishing relevant and high-quality content including articles, blog posts, e-books, guides, etc
  • optimizing web pages
  • Backlinks from trustworthy websites

The thing about White Hat SEO techniques is that it is a lengthy process. It may take a long time to give you the desired results. But if you want faster results, then you will have to resort to other SEO techniques.

Black Hat SEO

After White Hat SEO comes Black Hat SEO which is just the opposite. This type of SEO approach mainly includes finding and exploiting loopholes in a search engine. In other words, these tactics are not at all legitimate or are supported by Google.

Black Hat SEO includes:

  • Buying links
  • Hidden texts and links
  • Link wheels, link networks, and link farms
  • Reporting competitors
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Spammy and duplicate content

Although Black Hat SEO is not legitimate, it gives you faster results. The good thing is that it is easy to implement and can help you generate a large amount of traffic for your website in no time. However, if you ever get caught by Google, while using these tactics, then you will get blacklisted. In case, that happens to your site, a warning page will be displayed by Google every time a user opens your website.

Gray Hat SEO

Gray Hat SEO is the combination of White Hat and Black Hat SEO. This tactic is used by many marketers to get promising results. However, this doesn’t make you acceptable in Google’s eyes. Although it can give you the desired results in less time, you are still not advised to use it.

Choosing The Right SEO Approach

When it comes to choosing the right SEO approach every brand and marketer has their own choice. They select the SEO approach based on their requirement. No matter, what your choice is, you will agree that White Hat SEO is the right way to do it.

The fact that White Hat SEO involves more work and takes a longer time, the results it delivers are more effective and long-lasting. Also, it is a safe tactic that will not put in the bad books of Google.

If you are looking for a reliable SEO approach, then White Hat SEO is the option for you. Any other option can get your website into trouble. If that happens, then it will become extremely difficult for you to rank your website on the top. It may be a lengthy process, but it’s the best.

SEO is an important part of running a website. Different brands use different SEO approaches to get the desired results. No matter, what you do, you should always stick to using the right tactic, so that you can keep your website safe and reach its full potential. Hopefully, you got to learn some important things about SEO from this post.

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